Dear John,
There’s good reason to believe that 2021 will be a better year. But for millions of hungry kids, the light at the end of the tunnel is still too far away.
As we count down to midnight, I’m counting on YOU to make one more gift to feed hungry children. It’s your last chance this year to lend a helping hand to vulnerable children and help ensure a brighter year ahead.
Just one year ago, we had childhood hunger on the run. In fact, in the past decade, the number of hungry kids had declined by a third. But the pandemic erased those gains and today the child hunger crisis is as bad as it’s been in a generation. As you read this, 1 in 4 kids lives with the threat of going without enough food.
Your compassionate gift will fuel our ongoing efforts to get meals to the kids who need food most, wherever they may be. And you’ll be supporting efforts in Washington to break the political stalemate and enact desperately needed federal assistance.
John, there’s more than enough food in the country for everyone. The challenge is getting the food to the kids who need it most. That’s where you and I come in.
Since the start of the pandemic, school districts and community organizations have been innovating and adapting in real time, working around the clock to feed kids in uncertain circumstances. These efforts are funded by supporters like you and are ensuring kids don’t go hungry during this crisis.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your extraordinary support.
May you and yours have a happy and healthy New Year.

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry