Please know that we are your voice on Capitol Hill, and we are there to ensure that critically important issues get conveyed. We have never stopped working, not even for one day, despite the pandemic. And we promise you we will never stop in the future. We take our work very seriously, and we understand that we represent you, and millions of others, that believe in our mission.
EMET has certain red lines, that we will never cross, in order to stay true to the definition of EMET - Truth - which we always pursue in our mission to educate others. This includes arguing against those who demand that Israel go back to the indefensible 1967 lines, which Abba Eban of the Labor Party referred to as “The Auschwitz Lines,” and against rewarding the Islamic Republic of Iran for its constant violations of the JCPOA by lifting sanctions just to get them to the negotiating table.
If you believe in our mission, and appreciate the very high caliber of our work, we ask you to please support us. Every single dollar is appreciated. No gift is too small or too large. Additionally, we thank all of the people who have supported us this year, as well as those who plan on doing it today, before 2020 comes to a close. And we wish you all a happy, healthy and joyous 2021.