Together we can make our community safer


As we close out 2020, I wanted to share our 8 wishes for 2021. Are they ambitious? YES. But after a record year of gun violence, they are some of the things we need to keep communities safe. With your help, we can make these wishes a reality in 2021.

1) The defeat of every attack on state gun violence prevention laws

2) Background checks on every firearm purchase

3) A process to restrict access to firearms for those at extreme risk of violence

4) Federal judicial nominees who will uphold reasonable gun regulations 

5) A victory in our legal efforts to empower local officials to keep Pennsylvanians safe

6) Mandatory reporting of lost and stolen guns

7) Ghost guns to be treated like every other deadly firearm

8) A ban on military style assault weapons. 

If this is the world you want in 2021, help make it a reality with an end of year donation.


Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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