
Tonight is the final quarterly fundraising deadline before Georgia’s critical Senate elections – and I had to reach out one more time about Democrats Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock.

What happens in Georgia will decide the future of Senate control. Jon and Rev. Warnock have already forced runoffs in what used to be a solid red state – and now they are within striking distance of flipping these two seats blue, ending the Republican majority and giving President-elect Biden a Democratic Senate.

Both Jon and Rev. Warnock are up against right-wing extremist opponents who are more interested in padding their personal stock portfolios than helping the American people survive a pandemic. The latest polls show these races locked in dead heats.

But they are counting on one last influx of cash to make it across the finish line: NBC News is reporting that Democrats’ funds are dwindling in the final days before Election Day. That means Democrats could be drowned out by dark-money groups linked to Mitch McConnell in the final, all-important days before voters head to the ballot box – unless grassroots contributions pick up right away.

With the Senate majority on the line, I promised the two campaigns that I would help them raise another $10,000 before 11:59 p.m. tonight. Will you rush a donation now – before this final deadline and before the runoffs – to flip Georgia blue and take back the Senate for Democrats? Any amount will help secure a Democratic Senate majority.

I know that this has been an exhausting election season. But with the future of healthcare, our economy, and pandemic relief all hinging on taking back the Senate, we simply cannot afford to lose these two races. There is too much at stake.

So please, before tonight’s FEC deadline, will you make a gift to elect Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Georgia? Here’s the link:

Thank you so much,


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