To Our True Texas Family,

I get the same question at least twice a day:

"Julie, but what do we DO???"

This comes from seasoned activists as well as those just starting to get involved. People are freaking out... and they should be.

For over 10 years we've tried to work within the "system." We have put up challengers to incumbents -- won some, lost more. We have gone to Austin, to the court house, to the city hall, to DC. We have written letters, made calls, rallied, protested. We've run for office ourselves and taken over precinct chair positions, become SREC members, become city council or school board members.

And yet, somehow none of that is enough. In fact, it's not even made a ripple. Our rights are still ignored. Our voices go unheard. We continue to be lied to by politicians, especially those "on our side." Power and corruption in both parties grows and grows and grows...

So... what DO we do?

We do what what we've been saying to do for about a year and a half now. We build our army.

Our focus must be on recruiting. Young people. Old people. Middle-aged people. Youth. Passionate people. Indifferent people. Friends. Strangers. Family. Coworkers. Neighbors. Church members. Male. Female. Educated. Rookies. Blue collar. White collar. Unemployed. Invite them all on this journey. Bring them to our meetings, or start a satellite location if there is not a True Texas Project near you yet. Get them involved. Draw them into the fold. Get to know each other. Build community. 

We must have an army.

There will be a breaking point. We want to be ready. Whether that means a new party emerges successfully (I've already heard of two: the Patriot Party and the Justice Party), or a civil war starts (some say it already has), or Texas secedes (spare me the history lesson - I don't believe we need "permission"), or Republicans actually become Republicans (ok, that one is a stretch), we will be there.   

In the immediate future we continue what we've been doing:

***Putting forth a unified voice against Austin and DC and local offices. No reason why everyone cannot be writing letters, making calls, sending emails, posting on social media. Be a loud and persistent constituent. This is the very least any citizen can be.

***Educating ourselves on everything possible from government to history to political processes to emergency preparedness to financial stability to current events to tactical planning

***Running for office or helping others run for office - and this means the hard work of blockwalking, working the polls, and donating, not just sticking out a yard sign and voting

***Storming the gates of hell -- or rather the gates of government offices (same thing) in person where we cannot be ignored.

***Holding Republicans accountable to the platform -- as long as we're stuck with the 2-party system that is really just 1 corrupt party, we should at least be pushing back. It will eventually crumble, but until then we push back. Along the way we will be building community with each other, learning more about the processes and what does/doesn't work, etc.

***And yes, let me say it just one more time, we recruit, recruit, recruit. Ok, that was 3 times, and I'll say it again for good measure. Recruit!

Make 2021 the year patriots take back America, Texas, your town, and your schools.

True Texas Project is working nonstop, busting our butts, and giving more than we've ever given to provide you with the opportunity to do all of the things I listed above. Get involved. Our calendar is LOADED with opportunities.

I never ask anyone to do anything I don't do myself, and then for good measure I give a little more, and it's 100% volunteer.  Fran is the same.  We have a lot of great activists, and we want you with us!

Here for you, here for Texas...

Julie McCarty
True Texas Project CEO

PS.  I did not list prayer above, but it is the backbone of all we do at TTP.  We have prayer sessions before every meeting we host in every location.  Join in!

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