A veteran Democratic data scientist pointed out that

With days to go, can you donate to help power groups organizing voters in Georgia’s Black, Latinx, Asian, and Youth communities?
Tom Bonier tweet Georgians who did not vote in the general election have voted in the runoff

Friend, a veteran Democratic data scientist pointed out that "67,879 Georgians who did not vote in the general election have already voted in the runoff. A majority of them are voters of color." Biden won by just 12,000 votes!

VOX put up this stunning headline: “Asian American voters could decide the Georgia Senate runoffs.”

That is a HUGE testament to the work being done by local groups organizing within the Black, Asian American, and Latinx communities in Georgia.

With days to go before the January 5 election, these groups are working hard to get every last voter to the polls. Can you help fuel their local efforts to flip the Senate?

Donate directly to groups organizing Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate directly to groups organizing Latinx voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate directly to groups organizing Black voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate to all of these, along with groups organizing youth voters in Georgia. Click here.

According to VOX, “Georgia has seen a large uptick in Black, Latino, and AAPI residents...The AAPI population in Georgia has increased by 138 percent in the last 20 years.”

“Based on early exit polls, AAPI voters nationwide backed Biden by a 2-1 margin.”

Friend, the dynamics at work in the Asian American community are also at work in the Black and Latinx communities. These communities -- and the groups organizing within them -- will decide the fate of this election, which impacts every issue the next two years.

Can you help make one final push to get key voters to the polls before it’s too late?

Donate directly to groups organizing Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate directly to groups organizing Latinx voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate directly to groups organizing Black voters in Georgia. Click here.

Or, donate to all of these, along with groups organizing youth voters in Georgia. Click here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Congressman Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna)




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