2020 is now coming to a close. As one 9-year-old replied when asked recently by the Washington Post to describe the year in a few words: "it was like looking both ways before crossing the street, and then getting hit by a submarine".


Indeed, 2020, and the associated global covid-19 pandemic, will not leave many motives to celebrate. It has certainly shaken us, took away many things we had taken for granted, claimed many lives and created personal and persistent daily dramas for millions.


But amongst the doom and gloom, some hope, some bright rays, some good news. Yes, we now have vaccines in a fantastic achievement for science and human endeavour. In some ways, we are more united, more resilient, and more determined. And here and there, nature has rebounded, the importance of biodiversity is better understood, the extinction and climate change crisis better framed. Vultures continued to circle the skies, doing what they do best – cleaning up nature.


This ugly pandemic has also impacted our work at the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) in some ways, but we feel we came out relatively well, stronger. Our work never stopped, we managed to reach out to vaster audiences, and we adapted our processes. We have also deepened our conviction that we are doing the right thing – this pandemic has shown us that we need a radical shift in our lifestyles and nature – and vultures, are part of the systemic change we need. In a way, we are part of the change that is needed to make the world a better place.


Let's work together for a brighter future in 2021. And with vultures in the skies.


The VCF team wishes you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!


A big thank you also goes to vultures for helping us say farewell to 2020 and welcome 2021 — feel free to share the vulture illustration above! 😃


The illustration was created by @CireniaSketches, and was commissioned by the Vulture Conservation Foundation.



If you want to help vultures this holiday season, here are three things you could do:

  1. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated
  2. Please donate to the VCF and help us continue our work protecting vultures
  3. Spread the word on social media and pledge to discuss vultures and their importance to three other people this holiday season

Thank you for your support — we hope you are safe and healthy.

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