Your support means the world to kids and families in Wisconsin.

All of us at Kids Forward are grateful for the role you have played in supporting this work, fighting for a just and equitable Wisconsin.  Your financial support, advocacy, collaboration, partnership and more are helping us move the needle so that every kid and every family in our state has access to opportunity.  Thank you for doing this work with us.  

You still have an opportunity to support Kids Forward with a year-end financial gift that will go to work advocating for a Wisconsin where every kid and every family has an opportunity to thrive.  Click to contribute to a just and equitable Wisconsin today.

For more information and to learn about our policy analysis and advocacy work throughout 2020, you can see our work at:
Kids Forward:
Race to Equity:
Wisconsin Budget Project:
Reimagine Wisconsin:

Kids Forward is working for ALL of Wisconsin

2020 has exposed significant, long-standing structural and systemic inequities.  Advocating for and implementing policy solutions that directly address the needs of those most harmed by these inequities has a positive impact on everyone.  The concern we share around the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on Wisconsinites clearly demonstrates how meeting the needs of those furthest from opportunity benefits everyone.

At Kids Forward, we envision a Wisconsin where every kid thrives, especially children of color and those furthest from opportunity.

Because policy matters, now more than ever.  

Follow Us

555 W Washington Ave Ste 200 | Madison, Wisconsin 53703
Question? Email us at [email protected] or call (608) 284-0580

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