So many of us are breathing a sigh of relief as 2020 draws to a close.
But John, if we want 2021 to be better—for our climate, our nation, our world—we have to work for it.
In the coming year, all of us at Ceres are prepared to seize every opportunity that comes our way to tackle the climate crisis, but we need your partnership now to get real results.
Please: Make your DOUBLED, tax-deductible gift before this match ends at midnight →
In 2020, the Arctic burned, the skies in California blazed red amid unprecedented wildfires, and the Atlantic churned out a record 30 tropical storms.
2021 can be different … but only if you commit to making it so.
As Producer, Writer and Activist Norman Leer put it at a Ceres event last summer, "What gives me hope is the power we have to make change."
Help us make change. Here are just a few examples of your support at work:
The Federal Reserve affirmed climate change as a financial risk and subsequently joined the global network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System. The Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets helped drive these huge steps in the U.S. recognizing the financial risks and opportunities posed by the climate crisis.
There is no set of clear action steps companies in key sectors must take in order to improve water stewardship. Ceres Valuing Water Finance Task Force has begun the difficult work to change that.
Our Commit to Climate initiative has already secured more than 100 corporate commitments, helping to build private sector leadership on climate action to advance the goals of the Paris Agreement and advocate for innovative climate and energy policies.
I work at Ceres because I know our approach makes a difference—now, in the future, and for decades to come.
But John, our work relies on this dedicated community; relies on you. And what you choose to do right now matters. Please, use your power to make change with a gift to Ceres.
This match ends at midnight, and with $18,543 left to go, we’re counting on you to make a tax-deductible gift now.
Please: make your doubled donation by midnight’s deadline → |
Thank you, and Happy New Year!

Barbara Seymour
Development Director |
P.S. John, interested in deepening your commitment to our climate and shared future? Join the Ceres Sustainers. It’s a fantastic way to support our work, day in, day out, in the weeks, months and years ahead. And if you donate today to support our work, your first monthly gift will be doubled!
Please make your monthly matched gift now >> |