On this last day of a most difficult year, we at the Russell Kirk Center remember our many blessings and ask you to join with us in renewed dedication to our mission of teaching afresh for a new generation those Permanent Things Russell spent his life renewing.
The Kirk Center has for 25 years taken up that task and sought to strengthen the intellectual formation of each generation in the principles and institutions that nurture America’s civil social order. We are grateful for the support of our friends and benefactors.
As you know, there are certain tax advantages to giving on this last day of the calendar year. If you are inclined, we ask that you remember the Kirk Center today and in the New Year.
Your support will help to ensure that students and teachers will continue to come to Piety Hill, participate in seminars, research and write in the historic Kirk library, and generally benefit from the kind of academic community they seek at their schools but seldom find.
In this way young conservative minds will be formed at the Kirk Center and readied to make the case for the kind of higher, more imaginative form of conservatism that is much needed today.