Loeffler, Perdue Statement On More Than 8,000 Georgians Volunteering To Poll Watch On Election Day
Poll Watchers Will Ensure The Election Is Safe, Secure, And That Every Legal Vote Counts
ATLANTA, GA – In a historic effort to ensure the upcoming elections are safe and secure, Georgia Republicans have recruited more than 8,000 Georgians to serve as poll watchers for the January 5 runoff elections. Georgia Republicans are running the largest and most aggressive ballot security and voter integrity operation in state history. 
Senators Loeffler and Perdue released the following statement on this historic operation: 

"Georgians deserve total confidence in the fairness and accuracy of our state's elections, and we're thankful to the thousands of volunteers who will ensure that these runoffs are safe, secure, and that every legal vote is counted. Georgia Republicans have already mobilized the most robust ground game and poll watching operation in the state's history and are fully prepared to make certain that the integrity of next week's elections will not be cast under a shadow of doubt. Everything is on the line on Election Day – no Georgian should have to question the outcomes."  
Georgia Republicans made history during the early vote period, as more than 4,000 volunteers served as poll watchers at early vote locations – the largest early vote ballot security operation in Georgia history. 
Stephen Lawson
Deputy Campaign Manager

Paid for by Georgians for Kelly Loeffler