As we wave goodbye to the wretched 2020, we'd like to say thank you to people who appreciate the value of quality local journalism. Despite all of the bad news, thanks to all of you, PublicSource has had an incredible 2020 in terms of your support. We are registering record numbers of readers and donors, and the impact of our journalism has been unprecedented this year. We want you to know how grateful we are for your support through all the ups and downs. Our team is overwhelmed by the outpouring of donations and feedback. THANK YOU for letting us continue telling stories for a better Pittsburgh. If you still would like to contribute, your gift will be matched if you give to PublicSource by midnight.
Thank you to those who became supporters of PublicSource's journalism Dec. 22-28: Allen, Andrew, Douglas, John D., John H., John W., June, Michael, Nan, Nancy, Robin, Ronald, Thomas, Samantha, S.C., and Scott. Join them by giving today!