People all over the country are working 2 jobs and
still can’t make ends
Everything keeps going up: rent, groceries,
childcare, medicine… a paycheck from a minimum wage job
of $7.25/hr doesn’t cover basic
And while millions struggle to survive a
pandemic on poverty wages, corporations are raking in record profits.
Congress has a chance to give raises to nearly 40 million working
people -- but they’ll only do it if WE demand
your name to demand that Congress takes urgent action to raise the
federal minimum wage to
When lines at the food bank stretch for
blocks, but corporations like Amazon make billions during a pandemic --
it’s clear our system isn’t working.
Raising the minimum wage to $15/hr won’t fix
everything, but it’s a key part of making sure we can better provide
for our families.
We’ve waited too long for a raise that would bring us relief.
Tell Congress that we need $15/hr NOW >>
Working families need $15/hr. Raising the minimum wage will help
narrow racial and gender pay gaps, and finally give essential workers
the chance to get closer to earning a living wage.
Let’s get to $15.
We really
appreciate your participation in this petition, as we expand our efforts
to identify every Democratic voter in the US to make sure they
vote for Democrats in every election.
If you'd like
to help us organize, please join our Facebook
Thanks for all you do!
 | Bob Fertik, President | is the oldest online community
of progressive activists, with over 3 million supporters. We fight for
jobs, justice, healthcare, education, the environment, and peace.
We're supported by great progressive partners so we never ask for
donations. Please join us at!