The focus on the Chinese coronavirus diverts America’s attention from the fight to defend innocent human Life.
Abortion kills a baby. That is undeniable. The question over which we now fight is whether that killing should be legal.
In hospitals, the fight is now over whether you or a death panel should decide if you live or die.
We think every baby should be given a chance to live and every life is worth protecting. We know you believe this, too.
The pro-death voices have only grown louder this year. But you did not stay silent as their lies were spewed on social media and by the Fake News.
Our work has only intensified, not slowed. You and I cannot stop. We must defend Life.
Will you again answer the call to defend innocent Texans, preborn babies, those in hospitals, and those needing life-saving ministry? Will you give a life-saving gift tonight?
Please pray and ask Christ how much you should give to save His babies and His elderly and disabled brothers and sisters.
Now is not the time to quit. As Winston Churchill said, “When you are going through hell, keep going.”
Friend, please give a gift of $25, $75, or more now!
Yours for Life,