Friends -
This year, the St. Paul Police Department celebrated the 20th Anniversary of its Shop with Cops program. This event is special because it gives officers the opportunity to build relationships with local kids and their families. St. Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell shared that “Officers are often called to help kids who are experiencing the worst moments of their lives. Shop with Cops gives them a chance to help kids in need without having to fix an immediate crisis. It also gives kids a chance to get to know the officer behind the badge. It’s a special event that’s as rewarding for our officers as it is for the kids.”
Shop with Cops hand-delivered presents to 40 St. Paul families this year thanks to their donors and the police officers’ hard work. Due to the pandemic this year, donors were especially generous and officers spent $250 per family instead of the usual $50-$100. They also gifted essential items to many of their families.

Officers Phuong Chung, Annie Baumgart, and Amy Rahlf wrapping gifts for local kids & their families.
Over the past year, we have seen many law enforcement departments and agencies make efforts to build relationships with the people they protect and serve. Thank you to St. Paul police officers for leading the charge and increasing your efforts this year!
In gratitude,

P.S. If you have a #ThankACop story to share or an officer to highlight, please email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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© Emmer for Congress 2020

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