Your donation to A Voice for Choice Advocacy
before the end of the year will be matched up to $20,000.

If you donated to A Voice for Choice Advocacy, or our sister organization, A Voice for Choice this year, we are forever thankful. You allow us to educate and advocate for informed choice and transparency of what goes into people’s bodies on a huge level (see below for more details). This includes helping thousands of individuals navigate vaccine laws, passing a law to label menstrual product ingredients, educating legislators, health officers and local officials on laws resulting in changes in implementation, sponsoring the LiveAware Expo bringing together and educating hundreds, and much more.
As a thank you for your support we are making the LiveAware Expo presentations public for you to view and share (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyVaWKRswrWiq-_zRX5H36A/videos). The LiveAware Expo educates on how to reduce toxins in your life, home and body, and understand how to support your body’s immune system in an ever increasing toxic world, with presentations from Chris Exley, Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dr Judy Mikovits, Jeffery Smith, Matt Landman and many more.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy relies on donations to support our efforts the whole year round. We have so much planned for 2021. If you make a donation before midnight tonight, your donation will be matched by one of our generous donors up to $20,000. If you appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today. If you have already made a donation, please consider increasing it with another donation, so we can get it matched.

Your donations allow AVFCA to continue the important work we have done in the past 5 years, which in 2021 will include:
- Continuing to hire two lobbyists, to make A Voice for Choice Advocacy the most recognized professional vaccine choice organization in the CA Capitol. AVFCA has established rapport with all legislators, that will propel us in the next few years to bringing back medical rights for California.
- Continuing to hire part time staff so Christina can focus on helping individuals navigate vaccine laws, and educate and lobby to ensure informed choice and transparency, which she does with no pay.
- Giving informed choice to hundreds of moms-to-be through our partnership with a childbirth educator program.
- Continuing the Glyphosate Free Schools Project to remove all Glyphosate (RoundUp) from schools by 2021.
- Creating the Stand Up California! Project to given science and legal based education to legislators, health officers and other local officials on vaccines, vaccine laws, PCR tests, contact tracing, masks and more.
2021 will be another formidable year with the Super Majority of Democrats again in the Legislature, ensuring education about toxins in the air, water, food, pharmaceutical products. AVFCA will also continue waking up the masses, because without them we cannot win legislatively or legally.
Our most valuable donors are those who give on a monthly basis and support us all year long. If everyone just gave $12 a MONTH, for 12 months that would get us to our goal. Can you give up two Starbucks a month, a glass of wine, a movie ticket to make a difference in California in 2021? (Note: A full pledge of a monthly donation for 12 months would count towards the match.)
Why give to A Voice for Choice Advocacy, when everyone else is asking for your money?
A Voice for Choice is the only organization in CA that advocates and educates in informed choice and transparency of what goes into your body, as well as parental and educational rights. There are thousands of people in California that want the same thing we do and you do for ourselves, our children, health freedom and the choice to make decisions for themselves without government intervention and control. But few of those thousands spend day in and day out tirelessly educating and advocating for those rights. You can rely on A Voice for Choice Advocacy and A Voice for Choice (our sister organization) to do that for you every day of the year. We have relied on amazing volunteers and a very small core team, and in order to accomplish our goals in 2021 we need to continue to support this core team of professionals, who all have committed to reducing their usual income by up to 50% because of their commitment to the cause. This is a very lean and fiscally responsible team. We take what your donations are spent on very seriously and stretch every one of them.
Do you and your family want individual parental, education and health freedom rights, and an end to Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Lies? Then we ask that you please help us with a recurring your donation today. (http://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/donate/). We ask you to dig deep at this time of giving, so that we can achieve all we have planned for 2020.

A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc. is a 501(c)4 which does not give tax deductible donations. If you wish instead to make a tax-deductible donation, please donate to our sister organization A Voice for Choice (www.avoiceforchoice.org/donate).
Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
