Dear friends, 
2020 has been a year like no other. Many of us here in Orange Country are struggling, parents, students, small businesses, workers. Few have been spared the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has led to an incomprehensible loss of life, and the losses continue to rise. This reality eats at me day in and day out, whether I'm here in the district, or in the halls of the U.S. Capitol.
Our public health, our economy, even our democracy has been tested this year. Yet as Americans, we have responded with strength, conviction, and courage. We will emerge from this pandemic strong and united. It is because of our doctors, nurses and first responders who’ve sacrificed so much to care for us, our essential workers to show up every day to make sure we receive our mail, bag our groceries and keep our supply chains moving, our farm workers who continue harvesting our crops, and poll workers who have voluntarily administered a fair, efficient, smooth election in the midst of a pandemic. We have all tried to do our part by wearing a mask and social distancing. I have never been more impressed with my fellow countrymen. 
The pandemic is not over, but as we head into 2021 we must come together, and continue to support one another. As Congress engages in policy battles, I will never forget that I work for you, and all of my friends and neighbors in Orange County that I grew up with. 

There is much work to be done in Washington. And I’m committed to you- to make progress and defend our shared Orange County values. I thank you for your continued support. 