This opportunity to have your impact go 4X ends TOMORROW


John —

Right now, we’re still fighting for families — mothers, fathers, and children — who are held in ICE detention centers with negligent medical care… during a pandemic.

It’s a heartbreaking situation. And it violates their human rights. These families came to the U.S. simply seeking safety from grave threats and violence in their home countries.

Too many have spent their birthdays — and now more holidays — behind bars.

As 2020 draws to a close, it couldn’t be more urgent: please, make a year-end gift to Amnesty to help us free families and stop deportations. Your gift will be matched 4X, thanks to a group of generous donors.

We’re hoping 50 people from your city will donate right now so we can maximize this 4X match opportunity and do the most good for these families in the year ahead.

To make matters worse, the Trump administration is actively working to deport families out of the U.S., many of whom have been detained for nearly a year-and-a-half — in its last days and weeks in power.

John, I know you know this — no one should be detained for seeking asylum, and no one should be sent back to a country where they could be harmed.

With the help of Amnesty supporters and the relentless advocacy of the families’ lawyers, we’ve helped free four families from detention centers in just the past few months. But thousands of asylum-seekers and families with children remain in detention centers.

Amnesty’s research, our advocacy, and our mobilization to pressure lawmakers and decision makers has been crucial. If we don’t hit our goal of raising $500,000 by tomorrow, we’ll lose out on thousands of dollars in match funds — funds we’re counting on to keep our advocacy going.

Amnesty has always counted on human rights defenders like you to write letters, speak out for justice, and denounce human rights violations — and right now, we need your help in hitting our $500,000 goal — we can’t afford to leave this match money on the table.

In the past year, here are just a few of the people we’ve succeeded in freeing from ICE detention:

  • Juana* and her four-year-old daughter Norma* were released this past fall, after they spent over a year in a detention facility in Texas. They came to the U.S. fleeing violence in Honduras, after gang members repeatedly threatened them with rape and murder.
  • Marilin* and her eleven-year-old son Yunior* fled from violence and threats in their home country, and spent more than a year detained in Dilley, Texas, before we helped free them both.
  • We’ve also led the way in freeing Kelly, who escaped from transgender-based violence in Honduras, only to be locked up by ICE when reaching the U.S. She was locked up for over 1,000 days before she was finally released.

In 2021, we have an incredible opportunity to fight for an overhaul of the deplorable rules governing asylum-seekers and refugees. We have an opportunity to STOP deportations and FREE families. But it’ll take a sustained effort to investigate, document, and help advocate for every person who comes to the U.S. seeking safety.

And to make that happen, we’re counting on your support. Every $1 = $4 until midnight tomorrow.

Thank you for your steadfast support.

Billie Hirsch

Director of Online Engagement
Amnesty International USA

*All names are anonymized for the safety of asylum-seekers.

© 2020 Amnesty International USA

311 W 43rd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036 | 1-800-AMNESTY

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