
With 2020 finally drawing to a close, we’re looking forward to better days ahead in 2021. Vaccine distribution is ramping up and we are hopeful that next year will mark the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Getting back to seeing family and friends, patronizing local businesses, sending our children to school and much more are of course our biggest New Year’s Resolutions, but we also have some suggestions for our counterparts in the New Jersey Republican Party: 

  • Stop undermining democracy by denying the Biden-Harris win: Republicans like Jack Ciattarelli, Doug Steinhardt and many others are continuing to embarrass themselves and harm our democracy by refusing to acknowledge that Donald Trump lost the election. In 2021, hopefully they can find the courage to speak the truth even if it upsets their favorite ex-President. C’mon! You can say it: “President Joe Biden”; “Vice President Kamala Harris.” It’s not that hard! 
  • Quit embracing conspiracy theories: New Jersey Republicans have supported all kinds of wild conspiracies this year, from saying that Donald Trump won the election to embracing dubious COVID-19 cures, to opposing mask mandates, because they’re concerned about non-existent power grabs. When the calendar flips, we hope the Republicans will spend less time wearing their tin foil hats and more time finding ways to help the middle class. 
  • Figure out who really is the swampiest candidate: NJ Republicans’ top two gubernatorial candidates have a lot in common — Jack Ciattarelli and Doug Steinhardt both supported Donald Trump throughout his failed campaign and both continue to deny that he lost. They are also creatures of the Trenton swamp, with Ciattarelli’s record as a longtime state legislator who backed Chris Christie’s worst policies and who is supported by the state’s biggest lobbyist, and with Doug Steinhardt running one of the state’s biggest political law firms and using a Super PAC to dodge pay-to-play laws. Now, they’re sniping at each other on a daily basis to determine who really is the swampiest Republican of them all, and we can’t wait to see them fight it out. It’s a race to the right, with no end in sight! 

If you’re not a New Jersey Republican and you’re looking for another great New Year’s Resolution, why not start early and resolve to help keep our state blue? Donate here to make your mark now and help us enter 2021 strong.

Happy New Year! 

— NJDSC Team






Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States
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