Did you see Amy's note?
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Friend, tomorrow is the final day of in-person early voting in Georgia. We want to make sure you saw Amy’s important reminder from yesterday about everything that’s at stake in Tuesday’s runoff—especially now that Mitch McConnell has blocked a vote that would have more than doubled direct payments to struggling Americans.

Let that sink in. At a rare moment when politicians from both sides of the aisle agree that Americans need more help during this pandemic—at a moment when more and more people are struggling, sick, and dying—Mitch has turned his back.

50-50 control of the Senate with a vice-president as tiebreaker is still control of the Senate. It still strips power from Mitch McConnell. And we can—and must—take that away from him by winning both Senate runoff races on Tuesday.

Chip in $3 before tomorrow’s end-of-year fundraising deadline, which is also the final day of early voting—and let’s give Georgia’s organizers the resources to get everyone to the polls so we can end Mitch’s majority.

Thank you,
Democratic Majority Action HQ

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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Amy McGrath
Date: Dec. 29, 2020
Subject: What's on the ballot next week

Friend, the Georgia runoff election that decides the balance of the Senate ends one week from today.

Mitch McConnell’s position as Senate Majority Leader gives him ultimate power over what the Senate votes on. Taking away that power is on the ballot.

COVID-19 relief—like the $2000 stimulus payments Mitch refuses to deliver to struggling Americans—is on the ballot.

President-elect Biden’s ability to confirm his Cabinet and work with the Senate is on the ballot.

And with three justices over 70 on the bench, I don’t even need to remind you about the Supreme Court, and what Mitch remaining in power means for Biden’s potential nominees.

The Supreme Court is also on the ballot.

The outcomes here are stark. If we win both runoffs and reclaim the majority, progress is possible. If we don’t, Mitch locks progress in his desk and throws away the key—again. Chip in before the New Year to fuel the final push to win both Georgia Senate seats on January 5th.

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