December 30, 2020

Dear John,

I joined The FACT Coalition last month as executive director because I know that when corruption runs rampant and large companies and wealthy individuals do not pay their fair share in taxes, democracy withers and social justice is thwarted. We can’t let that happen and we need your help to keep winning the fight.


Ten years ago, the corruption resulting from anonymous companies and the abuse of offshore tax havens were largely unknown issues. Since the FACT Coalition’s founding, we have shown policy makers, the media, and others how corporate secrecy and illicit finance undermine our society and national security.  And we are winning!


Thanks to The FACT Coalition’s efforts, this month Congress, with veto-proof majorities, passed the most significant anti-corruption legislation in 20 years. The Corporate Transparency Act, set to become law in a few days, will effectively end the use of anonymous shell companies by criminals, kleptocrats, and drug cartels. It’s been so easy in the US to set up a secret shell company that it’s easier than getting a library card. Now, though, that is set to change, showing that even in this difficult year something positive has come out of Congress.


Our role in this victory has been recognized by lawmakers and the media, from The Washington Post, to Politico and The Economist. Now we must ensure that this law is properly implemented in 2021 – can we count on your support?


Beyond ending corruption fueled by anonymous shell companies, The FACT Coalition works on many fronts to ensure that companies disclose their tax payments in every country of operation. We are promoting the new Global Reporting Initiative standard on tax transparency for multinational companies and there are exciting opportunities to mandate these disclosures around the world. Transparency once considered impossible now appears to be inevitable.


Your support and encouragement have helped get The FACT Coalition – now more than 100 organizations strong – to where we are today.  This progress is made possible by your ongoing support. As you think about your year-end giving, we ask you to help build upon this momentum with a gift of $50, $100 or $250.


The FACT Coalition has shown that we are stronger when we work together – across issues, ideologies, and sectors of society. Next year will be a year full of opportunities to build a more transparent and accountable financial system that works for all.  To finish what we started we need your help! Please make a contribution today!


Best wishes for a brighter – and more transparent – 2021!





Ian Gary

Executive Director

The FACT Coalition


About the FACT Coalition

The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition is a non-partisan alliance of more than 100 state, national, and international organizations working toward a fair and honest tax system that addresses the challenges of a global economy and promoting policies to combat the harmful impacts of corrupt financial practices.

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