Hi John, we're all ready to shut the door on 2020. First, I have a brief but urgent call to action for you.
Please join me in going "all-in" for CAP right now. As Board Chair, I am rolling up my sleeves in new and exciting ways to make sure we are ready to work with the Biden/Harris administration to improve the lives of all Americans. And I urge you to do the same.
We still have a gap to close on our year-end fundraising! But YOU can change that right now.
We only have until tomorrow, and we cannot afford to come up short. Will you join forces with me now and pitch in with a year-end gift?
CAP has been on the frontlines for progress all year. And now, we need your help to keep it going.
Please help us reach our $50,000 goal, and we'll all be off and running with a new chapter for progress in 2021.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
John D. Podesta

Founder and Chair of the Board
Center for American Progress

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