Hi Friend,

We have a VERY exciting opportunity for you.

Tammy Bruce is inviting a select few folks to join her for a special chat on January 6, the day after the Georgia run-offs.
Count Me In
This is going to be a perfect way to kick off the new year: discussing the issues and plans for 2021 after a game-changing election.

But there’s not much time left to seize this exciting opportunity. You have until TOMORROW night before the ball drops.

Just donate $25 or more to Independent Women’s Forum, and we’ll send you an invite from Tammy.
Even better: your donation will be DOUBLED by a generous donor, so your investment will mean TWICE as much.

PLUS: your donation to Independent Women’s Forum is tax deductible, so it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

We have a lot of exciting things to discuss as we prepare for a new year, full of hope and promise for better days ahead.

Invest in Independent Women’s Forum before midnight tomorrow night to finish this year strong.

Thank you,

Somerlyn Cothran
Senior Vice President of Investor Relations