Dear John, Peace, healing, solidarity and above all —human rights! We welcome the possibilities for relief in 2021 and hope that you will join us by supporting NNIRR's work for immigrant and refugee rights. There is still a chance to give a tax deductible donation to NNIRR before the end of the year! Please donate before midnight December 31st, to help us shore up our resources for next year. And consider becoming a monthly sustainer. Recurring donations are vital to our ongoing work for justice! We leave behind a year that has been full of heartache and struggle for so many. But it has also been a year in which solidarity and resilience have brought communities together and demonstrated the power of organizing. These glimmers of hope have created a momentum towards justice and healing that is bringing us into the new year. We are optimistic that with the new administration we can set in motion a reversal of the devastating policies that have deepened the suffering in our communities. For effective change, we must be vigilant and vocal in pushing for promised relief and reforms, both immediate and longer-term, that are firmly rooted in human rights and inclusive of migrant communities, as we recover and rebuild. NNIRR is part of dedicated movement that will keep the pressure on and persist on changes that are more challenging and where there will be resistance to overcome —inclusion in COVID relief, health care and economic recovery, racial justice, and legalization. Our work will continue to strengthen grassroots engagement and lift community voices on needs and aspirations that are key to bringing about true relief, progress and rights for all immigrants and refugees. And our commitment to you? We will keep you informed, engaged and offer concrete opportunities to join in and take action. Thank you for your friendship and support. Peace in the New Year, NNIRR Please contribute to NNIRR today! We can't do this without you! |