Dear John,
COVID-19, massive layoffs, evictions, police brutality in our neighborhoods — at times, 2020 felt like a never-ending storm of crises. But through it all, there was one consistency: Racism.
The fact is, Black and brown people were the first to lose their jobs, the first to be evicted, and the last to get financial relief in 2020. Without the security that steady income and working from home brings, people of color were also more likely than white people to contract COVID-19 — and ultimately, more likely to die from the disease. Meanwhile, a few white billionaires, such as Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Walmart’s Walton family, and Tesla’s Elon Musk, got even richer during the pandemic.
These companies must be held accountable for profiting off the pandemic and off the pain and labor of low-wage Black and brown workers.
Help us get justice for working people by making a donation to Jobs With Justice TODAY. All donations will be MATCHED DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR to help us fight against white supremacy.