John — Mitch McConnell has been Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate since Republicans took back the chamber from Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections.

He’s spent the past six years fighting progress at every turn, taking our country in a dangerous direction. Here’s just some of the highlights of McConnell’s tenure:

  1. Confirmed dozens of far-right judges to the federal courts, including three right-wing Supreme Court Justices;

  2. Attempted to overturn the Affordable Care Act and rip health care away from millions of Americans;

  3. And most recently, blocked $2000 pandemic relief checks at a time when so many are struggling across the country to survive.

McConnell has been the Republican puppet master in Washington for far too long, and Georgia’s runoffs in six days are our last, best chance to finally end his stranglehold on our government.

It’s all going to come down to whether or not we have the necessary resources to win. Rush a contribution to help Democrats take back the Senate, finally kick McConnell out of power, and get our country back on track.

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We cannot afford another two years of Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader, stifling progress and obstructing critical pandemic relief.

— Flip the Senate