Kathy Marshall self-enlisted in the anti-hunger movement at a time when she was literally building her life up from the ashes. Marshall's home burned down in 2016, not long after she was connected to assistance resources and chose to extend the information that was shared to her with others in her community. In the years since becoming a  VIP member Marshall has delivered food, clothing and other supporting resources to neighbors fighting hunger in Philadelphia, Haiti and Africa as well as built her own Coalition of hunger fighters. Coalition Communications Coordinator, Antonio Boone spoke with the chef, turned hunger fighter about her commitment to fighting food insecurity.

Visit the Hunger Fighter blog to here more of Kathy's story! 


At the Coalition we are embarking on a Strategic Planning process to help us establish our direction and focus moving forward. Our plan needs to be flexible, adaptable, and actionable, particularly given the current climate of COVID-19 and the increase in food insecurity. We invite you to share your thoughts and perspectives with us. All responses are anonymous and kept confidential.

Thank you!


The 25th Annual Race Against Hunger

Ready, Set, Go! Save the date to get your tickets for the Virtual Race Against Hunger 5K Run/Walk taking place from Friday, April 16, 2021 - Monday, April 26, 2021. This year marks the Coalition’s 25th anniversary of bringing together the community to raise funds that help combat hunger in the Philadelphia region. Details on our kick off event are coming soon!


We strive to build a community where all people have the food they need to lead healthy lives. Hunger is preventable. Thank you for your continued support of our work! 

The Coalition Against Hunger Team


Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
123 Chestnut Street Suite 401 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
215-430-0555 | [email protected]

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