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Editor's Note:

If there is anything President Trump's first term accomplished for us, besides his numerous policy moves that did, indeed, make America great again, it is that he almost single-handedly exposed corruption and elite bias unlike anything most of us had ever imagined. Sure, we knew the mainstream media tilted left, but the depth of disdain from establishment Democrats AND Republicans, not to mention Big Tech oligarchs and Wall Street, has been eye-opening and a bit disheartening. Having clear vision is good, though, because now we will not waste our time making excuses for those who disappoint and appall us every day. We know who they are, and we can proceed accordingly. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
December 30, 2020
5 Big Things We Learned About Our Elites In 2020

For as difficult as the past year has been, from politics to the pandemic, it has at least helped to illuminate and clarify certain things about the state of our country.

Above all, 2020 has illuminated and clarified the relationship between America’s elites — in government, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, corporate America and the corporate press — and everyone else. In short, our elites believe, contra Thomas Jefferson, that most people were born with saddles on their backs while a favored few were born booted and spurred to ride them, legitimately.

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