We have a remarkable chance for our climate well within our grasp. If the U.S. joins China, the EU, Japan and South Korea in committing to cutting its emissions to net zero, we will finally be within striking distance of the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5℃ for the first time ever.
Your gift can be part of this global action. Ceres’ ambitious priorities match the scale of the opportunities before us. Just consider the impact that could be possible with your support. Together we will ...
Push the new U.S. administration to immediately reverse the most damaging environmental rollbacks of the last four years, including reaffirming the United States’ participation in the Paris Agreement.
Work with companies to set and meet GHG limits in order to achieve a 50% absolute greenhouse gas reduction by 2030.
Engage regulators who can push entire industries to embrace sustainability with the Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets.
We know this work has the power to affect change, not just within the United States, but all over the world, John. Every single win for our planet is a win for all of us.
Just think of the year—and years—ahead. A gift to Ceres signals that you believe we CAN turn the tide on the climate crisis and build a better future.
This matching gift has the potential to do so much good for our planet, but this offer expires midnight tomorrow.
Don’t let it slip away,John: Make your matched 100% tax-deductible gift immediately ($29,001 left to raise in 48 hrs.) →
With all our gratitude —
Team Ceres |