Together we can make our community safer


Our records show that you have not  renewed your membership with CeaseFirePA this year. If you are horrified by the gun violence destroying so many Pennsylvanians' lives during this pandemic, now is the time to renew  your membership. And if you do it right now with $25 or more, your donation will be matched doubling your impact.

We have come to the end of a year filled with unexpected challenges and new dangers. Gun violence was a public health crisis that began long before COVID-19. But, tragically, as the virus spread, gun sales surged. We depend on your membership and support to help us fight this alarming trend. Members give more political power to fight for change and allow us to amplify the voices of survivors.

This crisis demands action. You can make that happen by renewing your membership today. We are just 91 more people to renew their membership in order to reach our goal. 

With your help, CeaseFirePA has overcome barriers before. We’ve disarmed abusers and closed holes in the background checks system. We’ve fought in court to allow cities to establish local gun safety ordinances. We’ve made it clear gun violence is a public health crisis.

We can do more. But we need you with us. Our team is already expanding our coalition of faith leaders, doctors, survivors and community leaders. We’ve sued the state for tying the hands of local officials trying to make neighborhoods safe. We’re expanding our network of volunteers who will hold elected officials accountable. And, we will continue to amplify the voices of those whose lives have been touched by gun violence.

I hope you will take this opportunity to ensure your membership is up to date by making a contribution of any amount.  

Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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