Certain features of 2020 can afford to be left behind: Stinky facemasks. Ill-conceived photo-ops. Empty churches. Hoarding of toilet paper. Ugly unemployment numbers. Lightning strikes out west. Baby Shark Dance on YouTube. “You’re muted; we can’t hear you.”
But there are numbers of things worth remembering with appreciation: Gutsy teachers. Parents and kids bonding over schoolwork. Medical personnel who served selflessly. New respect for the health vulnerabilities of neighbors. Reduced commute times. Creative cooking. Some favorite issues of the Christian Century.
One unforgettable element of 2020 is GRATITUDE for your support of this journalistic ministry. I feel that gratitude down deep and don’t intend to let go of it anytime soon. If you were one who stepped forward to make a difference in this pandemic year, thank you very much. We couldn’t have done it without your faithfulness.
If you’re a loyal reader who just forgot to give a gift, there are still some hours in 2020 to do so. Jump on the generosity train and do something beautiful for a magazine you love.
Peter W. Marty, Editor/Publisher
The Christian Century