Your gift has twice the impact
Help support Farm Sanctuary’s lifesaving work.
Dear John,
Farm Sanctuary’s Year-End Challenge deadline is midnight tomorrow. Our records show that you have yet to claim your matching funds and make a gift to support our lifesaving work for farm animals in 2021.
If we are going to reach our $400,000 Year-End Challenge goal before the year ends, we need caring friends like you to donate now.
Please don’t miss this limited-time opportunity. Join Farm Sanctuary today to have your generous year-end gift DOUBLED and go 2x as far to help us rescue, shelter, and protect farm animals in 2021.
When you become a member, you will receive great benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals, special alerts with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, and more.
Best of all, your year-end gift will help us save animals like Josie-Mae: a plucky goat who is only alive today because of caring friends like you. You see, Josie-Mae and her mother, Willow, came to Farm Sanctuary from a dairy farm after Josie-Mae lost part of her front leg in a terrible accident.
As soon as mother and daughter arrived at our New York shelter, we began extensive treatment and therapy to help Josie-Mae recover. She has healed nicely, and now wears a prosthetic that helps her walk, run, jump, and play with ease. With her mom and new friends by her side, this little “kid” is living the life she deserves!
When Farm Sanctuary rescues an animal, we take responsibility for whatever they’ll need for the rest of their lives. Many of our shelter residents require specialized care due to the abuse and neglect they suffered before being rescued.
But we cannot provide this level of care without your help. Please help farm animals by joining to Farm Sanctuary today!
Your year-end gift will not only house, feed, and provide medical care for our shelter residents, but it will also help us keep fighting for a safer, more compassionate world for all farm animals.
For example, Farm Sanctuary is expanding our free humane education programs to include virtual sessions for social-distance learning. And we are fighting to transform our nation’s oppressive food system—calling on the USDA to direct funds allocated by Congress in the coronavirus stimulus package to plant-based agriculture, and away from factory farms and slaughterhouses.
We continuously strive to improve the lives of farm animals—and nothing we do would be possible without caring friends like you.
If you are able, please join Farm Sanctuary to have your 100% tax-deductible gift matched, dollar for dollar.
Thank you for being the rescuer, caregiver, and advocate farm animals desperately need.
Yours for farm animals,
Megan Watkins Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Farm Sanctuary counts on friends like you to be the first line of protection for farm animals. If you see a farm animal in danger or distress, or believe farm animal cruelty is occurring, please contact us right away at 607-583-2225 ext. 223. Your call can save an animal’s life. Your generous donation can, too! If you are able, please join Farm Sanctuary with a generous holiday gift today. Thank you!
This generous matching gift opportunity is made possible by our members, including: Dee and Nick Adams; the Koechley-Bell family; Shani Rosenzweig; Mike Spurlino; and Wren, River, Lily Blue, Rachel and Dave Zgonc.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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