September 24, 2019
Latest columns

September 24, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? On August 12, Callan Stone submitted to the Utah Supreme Court a formal Reply to Respondent's opposition to his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari... (more)

September 24, 2019
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail -- "Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement" -- from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA).... (more)

September 24, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? President Trump on Monday became the first president of the United States to hold a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom, calling on the global body and all nations to "end religious persecution."... (more)

September 24, 2019
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump called on world leaders to take action to protect religious freedom in the wake of rising persecution of people based on their faith and beliefs. It's an issue that resonates with evangelicals who support the president's reelection.... (more)

September 24, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Britain, France and Germany joined the United States on Monday in blaming Iran for attacks on key oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, but the Iranian foreign minister pointed to claims of responsibility by Yemeni rebels and said: "If Iran were behind this attack, nothing would have been left of this refinery."... (more)

September 24, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has insisted he was joking when he offered to wear a wire to record his conversations with President Trump. He made the remark as Department of Justice officials discussed the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president.... (more)

September 24, 2019
AMERICAN RHETORIC ? "Applause for Matt Drudge in Washington at the Press Club": Now there's a scandal. It's the kind of thing I'd have a headline for.... (more)

September 22, 2019
THE ONION ? Following her U.N. address about the existential threat posed by a rapidly warming planet, citizens across the United States confirmed Monday they were perplexed by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old who apparently has no desire to see the world end.... (more)

September 22, 2019
GREGG JARRETT ? The latest media mass hysteria over a whistleblower's complaint that, according to "reportedly involved allegations President Trump made a troubling and unspecified 'promise' to a foreign leader," is based on precious little information. That has not stopped journalists from convicting Trump in the court of public opinion and predicting his imminent demise.... (more)

September 22, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? The whistleblower who filed a complaint with the intelligence community inspector general did not have direct knowledge of the communications between President Trump and the foreign leader in question.... (more)

September 22, 2019
DAILY CALLER ? Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed he never discussed Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine. However, a July article from The New Yorker belies that contention.... (more)

September 21, 2019
YOUTUBE ? The Daily Caller dropped by the climate strike in Washington D.C. on Friday to learn more about the activists who are demanding that we change the way we live, eat, and go about our lives.... (more)

September 21, 2019
BBC ? Fears that thousands of people could storm Area 51 on Friday were unfounded, with just several dozen arriving at the secretive US military base. Millions had responded to a Facebook post in June calling for people to raid the facility in Nevada on 20 September to "see them aliens".... (more)

September 21, 2019
EPOCH TIMES ? Suzanna Gratia Hupp has advocated for less restrictive gun control laws since surviving a mass shooting in 1991 that killed 23 people, including both her parents. Her campaign to loosen restrictions on guns is motivated by that senseless massacre and has covered almost 3 decades. Hupp has been a leading advocate of an individual's right to carry a concealed weapon even before winning a seat in the Texas House in 1996, where she served for 10 years.... (more)

September 21, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? A longtime abortionist took the stand this week in a San Francisco courtroom and testified on behalf of two pro-life undercover investigators, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who are being prosecuted for recording secret footage of abortion industry executives talking about how they procure fetal body parts to sell to researchers.... (more)

September 19, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Chick-fil-A has more than doubled its annual sales since gay rights advocates called for a boycott of the chicken chain restaurant after it was revealed nearly a decade ago that the company donated to organizations that opposed same-sex marriage.... (more)

September 19, 2019
MATT ABBOTT ? It was yet another horrid story that made national, even international, headlines. More than 2,200 aborted babies were discovered at the Illinois home of Indiana abortionist Ulrich Klopfer, who died earlier this month. Why did he collect all those human remains? The reason is unclear. What is clear, however, is the fact he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of preborn children during his murderous "career."... (more)

September 19, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Protests in Hong Kong have been going on for months. Is there a Christian element to these protests that has been widely overlooked? Hong Kong has a population of over 7 million people. Yet it has been estimated that, at one point in recent weeks, as many as a million protestors hit the streets. Hong Kong has officially been a part of China since 1997, when it was handed back over after being a British colony and territory for more than a century.... (more)

September 19, 2019
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ? Donald Trump is waging a nonstop, all-encompassing war against progressive culture, in magnitude analogous to what 19th-century Germans once called a Kulturkampf. As a result, not even former President George W. Bush has incurred the degree of hatred from the left that is now directed at President Trump. For most of his time in office, Mr. Trump, his family, his friends and his businesses have been investigated, probed, dissected and constantly attacked.... (more)

September 19, 2019
BYRON YORK ? Have Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee figured out what President Trump did to them? By the looks of their questioning of Corey Lewandowski on Tuesday, the answer is no.... (more)

September 19, 2019
Uses televised appearance as opportunity to blast Democrats for conducting a ?witch hunt? against the president
NEWSMAX ? Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump's 2016 campaign manager, defiantly refused to answer most questions from House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler in a combative hearing that's the first explicitly tied to the potential impeachment of the president.... (more)

September 18, 2019
COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE ? Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today. None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true. What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.... (more)

September 18, 2019
MARLO LEWIS ? The Democrats running for their party's presidential nomination are focusing more on climate change. Here are five questions reporters should ask to test whether the candidates' climate policies deserve the support of the American people. In fact, these are questions that should be asked of all politicians who advocate climate policies, regardless of their party affiliation.... (more)

September 18, 2019
NEWSMAX ? resident Donald Trump's call to "substantially increase" sanctions on Iran is the "right decision" after the attack on major Saudi oilfields this past weekend, Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said Wednesday. "The president is taking a measured response to this," Barrasso told Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "The sanctions have been biting. They've been hurting. Iran has been suffering as a result. Their currency has been devalued significantly. Less buying power there."... (more)

September 18, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ripped into The New York Times for reporting sexual misconduct allegations regarding Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and said it was part of a broader effort by the left to "intimidate the court."... (more)

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