TRIPLE MATCH! Your gift of $10 goes three times as far >>
One person can change the world.
More than 50 years ago, our founder, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, started Special Olympics in her backyard. Now we reach over 5.7 million athletes in almost 200 countries.
Big things start small, one person at a time.
When you donate before midnight tomorrow, your gift will be TRIPLE matched to expand our movement even further in 2021. Every dollar helps give a person with intellectual disabilities (ID) the chance to show the world they are talented, athletic, and inspiring. Donate $10 now to see it tripled matched to $30 >>

Your gift –– TRIPLED today –– will help support athletes like Wyatt next year. Wyatt was born with cerebral palsy, and the doctors told his parents Wyatt likely would never walk, if he lived at all. It was a crushing prognosis. But Wyatt’s dad says, “He was a fighter” — and that still holds true years later.
Through Special Olympics, Wyatt found his love of basketball, flag football, and tennis. He found confidence to compete and work hard. He found the motivation to fight through the adversities life throws his way –– like being at greater risk for COVID-19 this year because of his active airway disease.
Thanks to the support of people like you, we’ve created programs to help athletes, like Wyatt, stay healthy, fit, and connected with each other during this difficult time.
“Since COVID-19, Special Olympics has been there for me. But I can’t wait to get back on the basketball court.” –– Wyatt
Friend, with your support, we can reach even more people with ID during this pandemic and beyond. Your TRIPLE matched gift today helps vulnerable athletes stay safe now, and ensures that they have teams to return to once it’s safe to compete again.
I have so much hope for our athletes in 2021 and it’s because of supporters like you.
Don’t miss this chance to triple match your gift before the new year:
Thank you so much for your support,
