The stories of 2020 — in all its pain, passion and poignancy — have taken our breath away. From the horrific toll of the coronavirus to the killing of George Floyd to the intensity of the presidential election, we have endured unprecedented turmoil.
What. A. Year.
Your support has helped journalists chronicle events, demand answers and bring you information vital to our daily lives. You’ve enabled them to act with heart and courage. They put themselves at risk because they believe — as I know you do — that journalism is not optional for democracy to work. It is essential.
And just as the work of journalism is essential, so is Poynter’s role in supporting quality journalism, fighting misinformation and elevating the craft of journalism — for those who produce and consume it.
You can make a difference by making a donation today. Together, we can make 2021 a year of good health for ourselves, our communities and our democracy.
Thank you for supporting fact-based journalism by giving generously to Poynter.
Happy New Year,

Neil Brown
The Poynter Institute
