It’s time to say goodbye to 2020, but before we do…
Hi ,
As we reach the end of a challenging year we wanted to say thank you to everyone who has donated, shared our campaigns or been an all-round supporter of the malaria fight in 2020.
Together we’ve been working to avoid undoing 20 years of progress. Under the worst of circumstances, 90% of planned malaria programmes went ahead this year, with 200 million mosquito repellent nets distributed and 20 million children protected with anti-malarial drugs - saving hundreds of thousands of lives as a result.
Through all of our determined campaigning and advocacy work, we helped keep malaria on the political agenda across the globe. Here are some of our highlights
This year we visited Ghana and the pilot of the world’s first malaria vaccine developed by our partners GSK. The vaccine acts against the deadliest of malaria parasites, plasmodium falciparum, and has already shown to reduce malaria cases among young children. Earlier this month the Oxford team of scientists behind a Covid-19 vaccine announced another malaria Vaccine, which is entering its final stages of development. A cheap and effective vaccine will help millions of children live malaria-free lives.