ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Dear Friend --

We don’t need to tell you that 2020 was a very different year. That we made plans when the year started and then had to adapt them over and over again, amid all the uncertainty, challenges and worry brought by the pandemic. You know, because you had to do the same. But as I look back on this year, I am also incredibly proud of all that of our global movement to eliminate nuclear  weapons was able to achieve this year, even under trying circumstances.

If you want to make a donation to support our work, you can do so here: www.icanw.org/donate 

Back in February - when travel was still possible - we brought together hundreds of campaigners, creatives and students to learn from each other about the impact of nuclear weapons and what it takes to change the world at the ICAN Paris Forum. 

When the scale of the global pandemic became clear, we dove into the creation of resources that could be used anywhere, from research exposing the 9 nuclear armed state’s 2019 spending on nuclear weapons - and how that would have compared to healthcare spending-, to a handy Q&A booklet challenging common misconceptions about nuclear disarmament. 

2020 also marked the 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th. We set out to ensure that this historic moment did not only get the attention it deserved, but also that the stories of the survivors of these bombings - the hibakusha-  were put front and centre of the narrative. We worked with museums, media outlets, writers, photographers, video teams, website creators, ICAN partners in Japan and of course, the hibakusha, to make that happen.

But of course, our biggest success of the year came in October: the 50th ratification of the TPNW. 

Since the TPNW was adopted in 2017, ICAN campaigners around the world have worked non-stop to reach that crucial milestone of 50 states parties needed for the treaty’s entry into force. On October 24th, Honduras became the 50th state to ratify the treaty, meaning nuclear weapons will become illegal under international law on 22 January 2021. 

We did so much more work to support the TPNW and promote a nuclear-weapons-free world this year, and you can read all about it here. But none of it would have been possible alone. Our work depends on our 599 partners in 106 countries, on our allies in governments and across civil society, and on the backing of generous people all around the world, who stand behind what we do. Together, we made history in 2020, and in 2021, we want to build on that achievement, together.

We’re about to embark on the next phase of our campaign – implementing the treaty and making sure it has an impact on the nuclear armed states.  Will you make a donation to power our work in 2021?

Set up a monthly donation to ICAN

Make a one-time donation >>

Thank you, and best wishes for 2021. 


Beatrice Fihn
Executive Director


PS -  We know this is a difficult time for many, and understand if you cannot make a donation at this time. There are many ways to support our work without a financial contribution. Please consider forwarding this email to a friend or family with a personal note telling them why you support our work and would love for them to do it too, or make sure you follow ICAN on twitter and instagram, and regularly share, comment and engage with our posts so that it reaches a wider audience.


It’s time to end nuclear weapons.

Support ICAN’s work