Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Time To Defund the Forced Maskers

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Leaked Pentagon Video: Flu Vaccine Used To Modify Human Behavior – YouTube

Covid: Open Letter to Business Owners

Jon Rappoport

The National Felons League, Episode 2

George Hollenback

WHO Chief Scientist Warns ‘No Evidence Covid Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission’

Tyler Durden

The Nashville Bombing vs. the Oklahoma City Bombing

Paul Craig Roberts

2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched

John W. Whitehead

It’s Interesting How the Violent Riots of 2020 Ended Right After the Election

Daisy Luther

The American System Is One Big Grift

Peter Van Buren

2020: The Year We Lost Our Common Sense, Courage, and Civil Liberties

Robert Bridge

A Pardoning Time of Year

Will the president do the right thing? Philip Giraldi

The Breadth and Depth of the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum’s Vaccine, Lockdown, and Global De-stabilizaton Agendas are Wider and Deeper Than One Might Think

Gary G. Kohls, MD

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