The Louisville Police Department announced that they are firing Officer Joshua Jaynes for his role in Breonna Taylor’s death. He was the original person who falsified the warrant that led to the raid on Breonna’s home in the first place.

Real Justice

Hey John, HUGE news just dropped:

The Louisville Police Department announced that they are firing Officer Joshua Jaynes for his role in Breonna Taylor’s death. He was the original person who falsified the warrant that led to the raid on Breonna’s home in the first place.

Listen. This is only a tiny semblance of justice. It matters. People have worked around the clock for damn near a year to get this far.

But we can’t let up. Period. We need to keep fighting to transform the systems that have prevented accountability and answers for Breonna’s death. Let me break this down, ok?

When the police first launched an investigation into Breonna Taylor’s death in Louisville, Kentucky the case was brought to Louisville District Attorney Tom Wine. Wine had the opportunity to lead the charge to bring justice for Breonna. Instead he chose to recuse himself and pass on the case to a Republican Trump supporter, Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Tom Wine is a perfect example of the kind of District Attorney Real Justice is fighting to replace. There are hundreds of DAs like Tom all across our country who have repeatedly stood in the way of justice and have failed to fight for victims of police violence.

District Attorneys are the most powerful elected officials who can hold police accountable. By electing new ones who share our reform values, we can transform our current unjust system. DAs can implement policies that ensure cases like Breonna’s aren’t thrown under the rug and can fight to hold officers accountable for violence.

This is real progress — this is how we prevent other families from going through the struggle Breonna’s family has been experiencing. Soon, we plan on sharing with you our plans for 2021 to elect even more reform-minded District Attorneys who are determined to break the cycle of police brutality and lack of accountability.

But before we act on these plans, we need to make sure we have a strong budget to support more bold candidates running for DA seats next year.

Running in these races isn’t easy. It takes significant resources to organize volunteers, reach out to voters, and compete against our heavily-funded opponents.

Can you make a donation right now toward our year-end fundraising goal so we can elect more DAs that are committed to transforming our justice system?

Contribute $5

Thank you,