Dear CV Friend,
I just reviewed
the latest Georgia polls...
... from the pollsters who actually got 2016 and 2020 right.
The Trafalgar Group shows Democrat Jon Ossoff up 49-48
over Republican David Perdue, and Democrat Warnock up 50-49 over Republican Kelly Loeffler.
Both of these races are razor thin -- with
the outcome likely to come down to a sliver of votes.
President Trump said it best: This race will decide whether America will become a socialist
country. And socialism isn’t just a buzzword. It means the complete transformation of America as we know it.
week, pro-abortion liberals in Congress promised a renewed push to legalize taxpayer-funded abortion. If they capture the Senate, Democrats are
aiming to nuke the filibuster and do just that … and worse.
Chip in here to help us defend life in Georgia!
yesterday, your CV teams made over 3,000 personal phone calls to Catholic voters in Georgia. And more are underway as you read this. We’re
also targeting Catholics with text messages, video ads, handwritten postcards, and more.
I know it’s tempting to sit this one out. After
everything we’ve been through.
But we can’t give up now! Winning even one of these two Senate races next week could be
the firewall we need for the next two or four years! Remember, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and AOC all know what’s at stake. Hollywood stars
and Silicon Valley liberals are likewise pumping millions into Georgia.
Our job is to motivate and turn out as many Mass-attending Catholics as
possible. Our models show approximately 85,000 critical Catholic voters across the state that could make the difference. With your help, every
single one will get a personal call/text/ad/mailer in the next seven days.
Our teams are “all in” on this special election.
I hope you
can help with a last-minute gift for our final push.
Chip in
P.S. Some CV supporters have expressed concern over
possible election fraud in GA. What’s to prevent them from doing the same thing in GA that they did in several states in November? I’ve
spoken with several leaders and groups in Georgia with teams monitoring mail-in-ballot counting right now, and preparing for poll-watching next week.
The threat is real, but a significant and robust counter effort is underway.
...underway to stop them.
P.O. Box 259837 | Madison, WI 53725 | (312) 201-6559 |