Dear John,
You’ve almost made it… the last few days of 2020 are here! And though this year has felt like a year of years, I hope you’re doing well!
But I do have a quick question: How do you plan to spend New Year’s this year?
As I’m sure you know, many are setting New Year’s resolutions. Some resolutions involve making healthy choices, such as eating better, committing to a workout plan, or cooking at home more often. Others are lifestyle choices, such as getting up earlier, spending more time with family, or getting more involved at church.
But this year, I’d like to offer another, different type of resolution for you to consider: continuing to be an active partner in rescuing preborn children and their families from abortion.
I hope you are feeling hopeful and excited about the prospect of a new year and a fresh start. That’s one of the great things about this time of the year. But as I think about a new year, I can’t help but think of moms facing unexpected pregnancies. For them, the thought of a new year just stirs up more fear, uncertainty, and anxiety.
Many of these moms are struggling to make ends meet. They may already have children, and don’t know how they will take care of another. They may have unsupportive families. The father may not be a part of their lives at all. And some may even face all of these challenges and more.
No matter their circumstances, they are desperate for true help and hope.
However, instead of receiving real care, many moms will fall victim to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They will be convinced that abortion isn’t just the best option – but it’s the only option. And they will make the devastating decision to abort their children.
But with your help, their story doesn’t have to end this way!
As you know, a generous donor has already given $750,000 as a Challenge Grant to reach more moms with the help and hope they need to choose life for their children. This grant is also a challenge to YOU to give generously before the end of 2020 and help increase the lifesaving impact.
In fact, you can help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact when combined with the Challenge Grant, if your year-end gift is received by December 31.
But this chance is only available for a few more days – expiring at MIDNIGHT on December 31.
Will you give an immediate gift of $100, $200, $300, or your best gift to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact – reaching more moms with the hope and help they need to choose life?
The National Rescue System, which you have helped build over the years, provides lifesaving and life-changing care to moms in need. This network of care helps moms through the crisis, then walks with them long after it has passed.
By giving today, you will ensure even more moms receive resources they need. And you will give even more children the gift of LIFE outside the womb.
But time is quickly running out… Will you give RIGHT NOW to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact and reach more moms facing unexpected pregnancies, before it’s too late?

John, preborn children are counting on YOU to be there for their moms… to be a source of help and hope when no one else will… to give them the confidence to choose life.
Please don’t let this opportunity to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact and serve moms in the new year pass you by.
Thank you in advance for acting quickly to rescue these families.
For Life,
Rachel Lane
Sr. National Director of Family Services
P.S. Please remember – you must give by December 31 to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact – spreading hope to moms and rescuing their children from the horror of abortion. Will you give $100, $200, $300, or your best gift TODAY?