With No NumbersUSA, Millions of Illegal Aliens Would Likely Be Amnestied Next Year
Urgent That We Hear From You. Our Goal: $50,000
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Select Always Allow Immages from NumbersUSA to see this graphDear John,
Imagine what outrages Congress would make without NumbersUSA.
Imagine legalization of most illegal aliens passing in 2021. Think it can't happen? It can and would happen.
Pres.-elect Biden promises he will send Congress a bill within 100 days with a massive amnesty PLUS other havoc. Such a bill, if it became law, would be a national disaster!
With NumbersUSA and our millions of activist members standing in the way, these horrible, sellout measures won't pass.
Take us out of the equation, and Congress will fold under the pressure from the Open Borders lobby. I believe large-scale amnesties would pass next year. (Remember, lots of Democrats and Republicans backed the 2013-14 Gang of Eight amnesty attempts.)
Is NumbersUSA "in trouble?" No, there is no emergency--yet. But we do have "a situation."
For most of this year, NumbersUSA Action has been running in the red. In fact, we've had to dip into our very limited cash reserves to continue normal operations. This cannot continue indefinitely!
NumbersUSA Action is our non-tax deductible group which, for tax reasons, has to pay for most of the activities you probably think of as NumbersUSA. Things like our Action Buffet and our all-important mission of sending millions of faxes and emails to Congress.
Our phone bank operations during legislative crises are extremely expensive. Also, our Congressional Gradecards, plus the critical Action Alerts from Roy Beck, Chris Chmielenski and the team. Action has to pay for all of this.
No foundation can give to Action because of tax rules. Very few larger donors give to it because they cannot get a tax deduction. In fact, less than 2% of all gifts to NumbersUSA Action exceed $100. So, almost all the money to pay for faxing and the website comes from modest donors.
Due to the lousy economy and the lack of immediate amnesty votes in Congress, donations to NumbersUSA Action have been sharply down in 2020. This is sadly ironic, since next year we'll be regretting we have much less $$ than we'll need to fight the Biden immigration agenda.
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Obviously, this cannot go on. What would happen if the fax machines went silent, if the phone calls stopped, if the millions of visitors to our website found only outdated material? And what about our communication with you? Sure, most of you aren't able to read every single email we send, but each of them accomplishes a real purpose. What if our massive email operation stopped?
Our opponents would gain new heart. With the absence of most of the organized opposition to their agenda, our friends in Congress would be rolled and amnesties would pass. Guaranteed.
John, I need to raise $50,000 by the end of the year in NumbersUSA Action, the 501c4. Even if you have given earlier this year--even if you have NEVER yet given--I need your help.
There are three ways to give:
1) On-line credit card We take all major cards, or Paypal. If you can, please mark the form as a NumbersUSA Action donation. You'll see how.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. All checks dated in 2020 will be counted as 2020.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Let's Not Turn Back Now!
Jim Robb's signature
Jim Robb
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Vice President, Operations
P. S. IMPORTANT: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.