Dear John,
We don't know specifically what 2021 will bring - only God holds the future! But we can be certain that there will be challenges to life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. We know, for example, that there will be legislation specifically targeting Minnesota's commonsense abortion regulations, such as the Women's Right to Know law. If you want to protect our state's pro-life laws, please make a gift between now and January 8th, when your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $60,000!
Please prayerfully consider a special year-end gift to Minnesota Family Council so we can continue to fight for life! Through January 8th, your gift of $15 becomes $30, a gift of $25 will be worth $50 to our ministry and your generous contribution of $100 actually means $200 toward our work. You can make a donation to Minnesota Family Council by clicking the button below, or a tax-deductible donation to Minnesota Family Institute by clicking here.
Click the “Donate” button above to make your gift today! Thank you and God bless!
2020 has been a unique year, and there are unique giving options to match!
You can take a deduction even if you do not itemize. For 2020, you can deduct cash contributions up to $300 if you claim the standard deduction instead of itemizing. The dollar limit is “per taxpayer unit” so that the same $300 cap applies to singles and joint filers. This deduction will not apply after 2020 unless Congress extends it.
You can take a bigger itemized deduction for 2020. Usually, cash donations are deductible up to 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). However, for 2020, you can elect to deduct such contributions up to 100% of AGI. Of course, giving at this level would require substantial evidence when reporting to the IRS.
You can make a credit card donation in 2020 and pay it off in 2021. If you wait to the last minute but want your donations to count for 2020 tax purposes, you have options to act by midnight of December 31, 2020: charge the donation to a credit card or mail a check. The charged donation is deductible for 2020 even though you do not pay the credit card bill until 2021. And the check by mail is deductible in 2020 even though we may not receive it or cash in until 2021.
P.S. Are you returning a Christmas gift or picking something else? There's a way to support Minnesota Family Council & Institute while shopping, at no cost to you! Do your shopping on Amazon using our Amazon Smile link (smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1439560) and support life, family, and religious freedom!