It's Not too Late to Spread the Warmth
with First Star! 
2020 is coming to a close, but it's not too late to make this year count! Your year-end support will help us bridge the technology gaps many of our students have faced this year, making sure all of our students know First Star is always here for them, providing a sense of home, family, and connection to others when they need it most.

Thanks to a very generous donor,
 with your $75 donation to First Star, you'll receive a warm and cozy First Star beanie, or with your $150 donation, you can snuggle up with a soft, knit First Star blanket. There's no better way to stay warm this holiday season! Find out more about this special offer HERE.
The Reason to Give
The future is so bright for both Azaria and Maryori, two of our amazing scholars recently featured on ABC Nightline.  Their experiences in the foster care system have inspired them to strive for change not only in their own lives but in the lives of all foster youth. We can't wait to see what wonders their futures hold! 
Your year-end gift can ensure all of our scholars
continue to find a home with First Star.

Make a difference in their lives today.
Donate Now
* This year, with the CARES ACT, taxpayers who don't itemize deductions may take a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made in 2020 to qualifying organizations. Additionally, taxpayers who do itemize can deduct up to 100% of their adjusted income for cash donations (credit cards and checks count). First Star is a qualifying organization. 
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First Star, Inc.
2049 Century Park East, Suite 4320
Los Angeles, CA 90067

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