Dear John,
Ten years ago, Equality Federation had three staff members, a small budget, and no advocacy program. We supported our members as they fought to pass marriage equality and nondiscrimination in their states, but we didn’t have a comprehensive program dedicated to building the advocacy power needed to win legal and lived equality and fight back against coordinated attacks.
A decade later, all that has changed. We now have a kickass advocacy program led by yours truly. We partner with state leaders to fend off anti-LGBTQ attacks and advance legal and lived equality for LGBTQ people in state legislatures, where hundreds of bills impacting our community are introduced every year.
Donate $10 now to provide resources to the states to advance equality in 2021.
Thanks to our expertise in voter engagement, legislative tracking, and the latest voter outreach technology, Equality Federation and our members can make smart, strategic choices about ballot initiatives and legislation to protect LGBTQ people and advance progress. We teach our movement to say the right thing, to the right people, at the right time, so we can win.
Curious about which bills have been introduced that impact LGBTQ people? We have a tracker for that. Need to recruit volunteers for a phone bank? We have a list for that. Wondering how to talk about the latest in anti-transgender attacks? We have the messaging for that.
In 2021, we know we’re going to see an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ bills as well as pro-equality policies introduced in the states. We’re here to support our members through the tough losses, the hard choices, and all the successes along the way. Join us and donate $10 today.

Vivian Topping
Director of Advocacy & Civic Engagement
Equality Federation