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A charity investigated over financial misconduct twice in five years has alleged that the charity regulator for England and Wales is "part of a larger
pattern of harassment of Muslim charities". The Charity Commission has denied the allegation.
Brian Wilson commends an initiative from community councils in West Fife to create a permanent memorial to thousands of women who were burned as 'witches',
and says the Scottish parliament could learn a lesson.
Police are investigating an activist who was filmed at a rally in Birmingham saying: "There's only one solution which is jihad." The activist has said she
was not encouraging people to fight.
A councillor in Dundee has backed a suggestion by former deputy chief constable that abolishing Catholic schools may help tackle sectarianism in Scotland.
A letter from Neil Barber of Edinburgh Secular Society responds to a defence of Catholic schools from the columnist Kevin McKenna (scroll down to
Footage which appears to show blindfolded and shackled Muslim prisoners held in Xinjiang, China, has prompted widespread condemnation after it was posted
anonymously online.
In a speech to the UN yesterday, President Trump urged "all nations" to join him in trying to end "religious persecution". Critics say this is inconsistent
with his approach to religious freedom at home.
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