Only two days left to meet our $70K goal for civil rights.
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Move for the Movement
Your name is missing, Advocate
Respond before time runs out

We know you care about civil rights, human rights, and a strong democracy. We know you care about economic security amid a surging pandemic, voting rights for every eligible American, equal justice for all in our federal courts, and police accountability.

That's why we were really hoping to see your name on this list, along with other Movement Movers who are powering the fight for democracy. Give toward our $70K goal right now. As one of our strongest advocates, you won't just have a say in our collective future — you'll lead the charge.
Finn P. Yes 8:45 AM
Azra L. Yes 8:51 AM
Regina R. Yes 9:12 AM
Gabriel H. Yes 9:23 AM
[email protected] PENDING
Please, don't wait. Help us meet our critical year-end goal. With a new administration taking charge soon, this is the moment to support The Leadership Conference. Give now.
Power our movement. Help us reach out goal by 12/31
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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