
It’s hard to know what 2021 will bring—but we know the stakes will be high.

We’ll still be battling COVID-19 and working to make sure that American workers and families are front and center in the minds of Congress as we help legislate our way out of a battered economy.

We’ll still be fighting Republican obstruction as the Biden administration works to undo all of the harm Donald Trump did over the last four years.

And we’ll still be working to control both chambers of Congress so that we can keep moving America forward.

For all of those reasons, we’re going to need your continued support. And before the new year, I’m hoping you’ll make a contribution to Serve America so that we can hit our $10,000 grassroots fundraising goal and have the resources we need to hit the ground running in January.

Please contribute if you can by using this secure link:

I’m so proud to have you on the team.

Thanks for all you do,
