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Dear Friend of CURE Epilepsy,

In the face of a pandemic epilepsy doesn’t stop, and neither does our unrelenting pursuit of a cure. This year has inspired us to lean in to support our community in ways we never anticipated, and now we need you to lean in with us.  
Here are just a few ways we leaned in to the challenges 2020 presented:
  • We launched the Epilepsy Research Continuity Fund that supported unanticipated pandemic-related costs for 14 of our researchers.
  • We granted an additional Taking Flight Award to a young researcher -- an important step to maintain our pipeline of talented epilepsy scientists.
  • We formalized a critical new research focus by launching CURE Epilepsy Catalyst Award in October.
We did all of this because we trusted that we were reflecting the values of our community, and that you are in this with us.
In these final three days of 2020, let’s make a shared resolution to continue this fight. Let's ensure a bright future for patients like Vera, and for the 65 million people worldwide who are desperately waiting for a cure. Please make a year-end gift today and let’s cure this devastating disease once and for all.

With hope, gratitude and unrelenting determination,
Beth Lewin Dean, CEO

P.S. If you already made a year-end donation, please accept our sincerest gratitude. You are making a difference in our unrelenting search for a cure.
Our mission is to find a cure for epilepsy, by promoting and funding patient-focused research. CURE Epilepsy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax identification number is 36-4253176.
Copyright © 2020 CURE Epilepsy, All rights reserved.
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Chicago, IL 60611

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CURE Epilepsy · 420 Wabash Ave, Ste 650 · Chicago, IL 60611 · USA