Arena Community,
2020 is finally (almost) over.
Amidst a year of a global pandemic and major presidential election, we came together as a community and pushed forward to pave a path of hope and resistance for all people in this country.
For the last four years, Arena has fought for better leadership on the local, state, and national levels. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished together, and we’re not slowing down. Over the next two years we have ambitious goals that are possible to achieve with your support.
This community has built the most robust and diverse talent pipeline the Democratic Party has ever seen -- and now the next chapter of our work begins. Our work moving forward will look a lot like our work to-date. To build a robust and diverse talent pipeline we need to invest in training and changing who has access to politics early and often. That's why we’ve compiled the Arena 2020 Report so you can take an in-depth look at what we’ve accomplished together and what we’ve got planned for the future.